Goals, Joy/Happiness

Excitement Trumps Fear — Every Time!!!

This summer I had an amazing opportunity open up for me.  I had put a major goal in my Life Vision statement, and I knew that the right teacher would show up at the right time to help me with this goal.  The right teacher showed up at the right time, but when it came time to make the decision to work with her, I was scared!!!  My fears were blocking me big time!  I wasn’t afraid of the monetary investment or the time I would need to put into this goal… I was afraid of the inevitable success that will follow!  This new teacher told me my life would be completely different 12 months from now, and I knew she was absolutely correct!

But part of me was very excited about this opportunity.  After all, I had set the goal and expected this very thing to happen.  It will take me so much closer to living my life 100% on purpose — in short, it’s everything I want!

So why the fear?  Because our minds like to play tricks on us!  Our minds like to keep us away from change and to keep us “safe.”

So I immediately went to work clearing out the fear and really, really building up the excitement in my mind!  The more excited I got, the less fearful I became.  Every time I felt the fears creeping back in, I would focus on all the great things that would come out of this opportunity, and I got really excited again!  And the fears disappeared again!

Is there a fear keeping you back from something you know will be really, really good for you?  As you get closer to the goal, do you feel the fear become almost paralyzing?  Then get really clear about your motive — why did you want this goal in the first place?  Get excited about your goal and watch the fears disappear!

Goals, Laws of Success

Power of Intention

I set a goal for myself this summer.  I was really excited about it, and I spent a lot of time mentally preparing for it.  But now that it’s time to do the work that will lead me to my goal I find myself waffling and wondering how committed I actually am to the goal.  I should probably mention that this is the third or fourth time this year I have set the same goal, and each time I have abandoned the goal because of my lack of commitment.

So I found myself a bit frustrated that I was running into the same wall I’ve been running into all year.  I was on the verge of abandoning my goal when I said to myself, “If I were my own client, what would I tell myself?”  That’s when I realized that my first question as a coach would be, “What exactly is your goal?  What are you really trying to accomplish?”

I had been changing my goal depending on my mood and how much effort I wanted to expend towards achieving the goal.  I had broken the very first rule of goal-setting:  Write it down!!! This is not a new concept to me, and it probably isn’t a new concept to you either.  But I still try to cut corners sometimes…

So I took a bright yellow piece of paper (so I couldn’t possible miss it) and I wrote:  “My intention is:  to _________ by August 2, 2010” and I promptly taped it to my bathroom mirror.  I now have a very clearly defined goal that I can’t just change because I don’t feel like sticking to my plan for the day.

Intention is defined as an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions; an aim that guides action; a course of action one intends to follow.  It’s the seed you plant so you can water it, nourish it, and harvest it.  Without a clear intention to guide your actions, there really isn’t anything to act on, or nourish, or eventually to manifest.

I am happy to say that instead of abandoning my goal once again, I am now on track to reach my goal on or before August 2, 2010.

What goals are you currently working on?  Have you defined your intention and written it down and posted it where you can easily see it?

Goals, Weight Loss

30 Days in a Row?!?!?

When I learned the “30 days in a row — without missing a day” secret, I had been trying to lose weight for over 10 years.  I had listened to affirmations, I had written affirmations, I bought several self-development courses — without any success!  I noticed that a lot of people who had success would say they read their Vision Statement or watched their goal movie — or whatever they did — for 30 days in a row — without missing a day!

Then I heard Jack Canfield tell a story about a test NASA did several years ago.  They were testing the physiological and psychological impact of spatial disorientation on potential astronauts.  So they put convex goggles on these astronaut candidates that made everything appear upside down.  They had to wear these glasses 24/7 — without ever taking them off.  So everything appeared upside down all the time.  At first, the astronauts were under a lot of stress and anxiety, but eventually they started adjusting.  About 30 days into the experiment, something amazing happened!  The men’s brains had created new neural pathways so they started to see everything normal — even though they were still wearing the glasses that made everything appear upside down!  They did the experiment again, this time taking the goggles off partway into the experiment, but the new neural pathways did not form.  The brain needed about 30 uninterrupted days for the new neural connections to form within the brain.

When I heard about this experiment, I decided to try my own experiment.  I took a 15-minute self-hypnosis session on weight loss from a highly respected weight loss hypnotist and listened to it EVERY night for 30 nights in a row!  I didn’t feel different in any way; in fact, at times I wondered if it was even working!  But I was determined to see the experiment through to the end.

After the 30 nights, I stopped listening to it to see if I really attracted anything different into my life.  Within a few weeks, one of my sisters called and told me about a new weight loss program that many of her friends had lost weight with.  Intuitively, I knew this was what I had been looking for.  To make a long story short, I lost 30 lb in the next 2 months — after going for 10+ years with zero success!

Try your own experiment — just be sure that you do it for 30 consecutive nights!  I find it most effective to listen to the recording as you are waking up or going to sleep because that’s when your subconscious is the most receptive to new ideas — as it is coming out of and going into theta brain frequency!  I would love to hear how your own experiment goes!


Reaching Our Goal

On Monday we talked about how willpower doesn’t help us achieve our goals.  Most of us have been asking ourselves how to develop more willpower; now I want you to start asking how you can accomplish your goal without willpower!

Like I mentioned earlier, the subconscious mind is responsible for 96-98% of our results.  The subconscious mind is where all our habits, beliefs and programming are stored.  In order to achieve our goals, we need to change the habits, beliefs and programming that are in our subconscious mind.  To give this subject justice, I would have to teach an entire course on it — and maybe I will one day (keep checking my website for more information on that).  Here are a couple of ideas to get you started:

1.  Be very, very clear on what you want.  Write out a vision statement that gets you very excited!!!  It should feel like a “10” to you on a scale from 1-10.

2.  Make a recording of you reading this Vision Statement (be sure to read it with enthusiasm and excitement).  

3.  Listen to this recording as you go to sleep at night and as you wake up in the morning (I bought a CD alarm clock to make this easy).  Do this for at least 30 days in a row — without missing a day!!!  I will talk about the importance of that in my next post!

4.  Collect (or create) a picture which represents you reaching this goal.  Across the bottom of the picture write “I am so happy and grateful now that ______.” (Fill in the blank with your goal statement).  Keep this picture somewhere you will see it often to remind you of this goal.  

Feel free to try this for yourself and record your experience in the comments section!



Most of us wish we had more willpower so we could reach our goal.  I will show you how totally ineffective willpower is when trying to achieve a goal.

The conscious mind is responsible for 2-4% of our results
The subconscious mind is responsible for 96-98% of our results

Willpower is a function of the conscious mind, so…

This line is 100 spaces long; the * shows the 4% mark. If we want to use willpower to reach our goal, this is how much progress we can expect to make towards our goal. Frustrating, huh?

You probably have great willpower, especially since so many of us spend so much time and effort to improve our willpower! You just need to find better ways to reach your goal…

Later this week we will talk about what some of those better ways are to reach your goals!


The End From the Beginning…

Here is another story told by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, an LDS church leader (from April 2006 conference). The talk is called “See the End from the Beginning,” and I have been thinking about this story a lot lately. Some of our goals may be taking a bit longer than we would like, but we don’t know what unknown “dis-eases” are being healed as we work toward our goal. This story inspired me to be grateful for the challenges that come with my goals because they are making me stronger!

“Allow me to share with you an experience from my own boyhood. When I was 11 years old, my family had to leave East Germany and begin a new life in West Germany overnight. Until my father could get back into his original profession as a government employee, my parents operated a small laundry business in our little town. I became the laundry delivery boy. To be able to do that effectively, I needed a bicycle to pull the heavy laundry cart. I had always dreamed of owning a nice, sleek, shiny, sporty red bicycle. But there had never been enough money to fulfill this dream. What I got instead was a heavy, ugly, black, sturdy workhorse of a bicycle. I delivered laundry on that bike before and after school for quite a few years. Most of the time, I was not overly excited about the bike, the cart, or my job. Sometimes the cart seemed so heavy and the work so tiring that I thought my lungs would burst, and I often had to stop to catch my breath. Nevertheless, I did my part because I knew we desperately needed the income as a family, and it was my way to contribute.

“If I had only known back then what I learned many years later—if I had only been able to see the end from the beginning—I would have had a better appreciation of these experiences, and it would have made my job so much easier.

“Many years later, when I was about to be drafted into the military, I decided to volunteer instead and join the Air Force to become a pilot. I loved flying and thought being a pilot would be my thing.

“To be accepted for the program I had to pass a number of tests, including a strict physical exam. The doctors were slightly concerned by the results and did some additional medical tests. Then they announced, “You have scars on your lung which are an indication of a lung disease in your early teenage years, but obviously you are fine now.” The doctors wondered what kind of treatment I had gone through to heal the disease. Until the day of that examination I had never known that I had any kind of lung disease. Then it became clear to me that my regular exercise in fresh air as a laundry boy had been a key factor in my healing from this illness. Without the extra effort of pedaling that heavy bicycle day in and day out, pulling the laundry cart up and down the streets of our town, I might never have become a jet fighter pilot and later a 747 airline captain.

“We don’t always know the details of our future. We do not know what lies ahead. We live in a time of uncertainty. We are surrounded by challenges on all sides. Occasionally discouragement may sneak into our day; frustration may invite itself into our thinking; doubt might enter about the value of our work. In these dark moments Satan whispers in our ears that we will never be able to succeed, that the price isn’t worth the effort, and that our small part will never make a difference. He, the father of all lies, will try to prevent us from seeing the end from the beginning.”

Goals, Weight Loss

Happy New Year

When I think of all the learning and growing I did last year, there is no way I could have known last January what was possible for me for the entire year!!! I basically see two big problems with new year resolutions:

1. They say it takes about 30 days to start a new habit. I know that I’m a procrastinator so if I give myself 365 days to accomplish what it takes 30 days to do, then it is likely that I am never going to get around to it.

2. I usually set so many goals at one time and try to accomplish them all at once — which is a sure formula for failure!

So my new year resolution this year is to stop doing new year resolutions. Instead I am going to do new month resolutions. It takes about 30 days to form a new habit and so I’m picking a new habit every month that I want to create.

My January resolution is weight loss!!! (I’m sure I’m not alone in this!) I lost 30 lb last year, and this year I have lost 6 lb so far; 14 more to go! As I focus on losing weight and feeling better about myself, I will have a better idea of what to focus on in February.

Every month I will be focusing on a new resolution!!! I can’t wait to create the best year of my life!!!